Register now for EUCtech Denmark Conference May 22th 2025 at
EUCtech Denmark
EUCtech Denmark, an independent interest organization (100% non-profit) focusing on End User Computing technologies from Citrix and Microsoft.
EUCtech Denmark Purpose:
- To create a networking forum where we can discuss, learn, assist, and inspire each other to maximize the potential of various End User Computing solutions from Citrix and Microsoft, as well as associated technologies.
EUCtech Denmark Objectives:
- One full-day physical event (conference)
- Two half-day physical events in East/West
- Webinars
- Primarily use local (Scandinavian) resources
- Local speakers (end-users, partners, vendors)
- International speakers

EUCtech Denmark Membership Benefits Include:
- A network of users and experts spanning cities across Denmark
- Technical webinars from other members
- Local group meetings for learning and networking
- Opportunities for local group leadership
- Invitation to our full-day conference, packed with expert content and networking opportunities
- Leadership, writing, and speaking opportunities
- A community with influence at Citrix
Are you curious to learn more about End User Computing from example (Citrix, Microsoft, Omnissa), or do you already use End User Computingt? Join EUCtech Denmark today! Membership in EUCtech Denmark is free, and we’ll soon open for member registration.
Learn from the experiences of others with End User Computing from Citrix and Microsoft. EUCtech Denmark is a 100% non-profit organization.
If you are passionate about sharing a message and work with Citrix, Microsoft, and related technologies, EUCtech Denmark is a great place to start inspiring others.
Not all environments are the same. In EUCtech Denmark, it’s the perfect place to discuss why we do what we do with Citrix, Microsoft, and related technologies. Challenging each other only makes us smarter and richer in knowledge.
If you are completely new to Citrix and Microsoft, this is the perfect forum to join, but you can just as easily be a seasoned Citrix or Microsoft professional who has been involved from the beginning. At EUCtech Denmark, we strive to stay ahead and support you in moving forward so we can learn from each other.